It’s that time of year again when the Fresno Art Museum holds its annual “Men Who Cook” event.  FLCZ has had a lot of fun over the years supporting this event.  This year, we will have three teams entered. 

About 50 so-called “chefs” compete.  For $20 you can taste all of the food and enjoy the art exhibits.  It’s a great night.  You will leave very full. 

Over the years we have won with several dishes such as Pollo Fundido, Beef Bourguignon, and our “Pates au Pain” which was a 5-cheese macaroni and cheese.  This year we are cooking Shrimp in a Meuniere Sauce over Rice.  It’s to die for! 

I hope you will join FLCZ at the Fresno Art Museum on Saturday, June 14.  And, of course, we hope you will vote for us for best dish!  To buy tickets, go here: